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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Clive School Choir

Earlier in the term, Room 7 sent some of their reporters to interview Anne Condon, Clive School's own choir teacher.

In the interview, she tells us about the singing group that she is a part of and also shares some of her favourite moments with her singing.

We hope you enjoy it!

Year 6 Camp Term 1 2018

...Where do we even start?
...How can we put into words how awesome our experience was?

The Year 6 students had an absolute ball at their camp at Guthrie Smith, Tutira.

They were involved in a large range of activities, involving copious amounts of communication, oodles of team work and a fair amount of stepping outside of comfort zones.

What an incredible bunch of students and parents - these photos really don't do it justice, they are just a taster. Wait until the Year 6 assembly in the coming weeks to see more! A special mention must also go to Nic Heads for some of these incredible snaps (our own photos don't quite compare).

Mrs Leitch, Mrs Garrett, Mr Bassett

Space Oddity

Here's a blast from the past. During our read aloud of Wonder, we discovered that Miranda used to call Auggie, Major Tom and they would sing Space Oddity all of the time. We've pulled this out of the archives....hope you enjoy.